Canva Hovercode App - Dynamic QR codes

Canva is an incredibly powerful design tool used by millions. In order to make dynamic QR codes fit into your workflow, we build a Canva app that lets you create powerful QR codes without leaving the Canva editor.

Our Canva app is called “Dynamic QR codes”

It’s intended to be a simpler version of the QR code generator on that saved you having to download the QR code you generate and import into Canva.

How it works

When you first install the app, you can use it without connecting to Hovercode. You can explore the app and generate as many static QR codes as you like.

If you want to create dynamic QR codes that let you edit the scan destination and see scan analytics, you simply toggle the “Dynamic” option when creating the QR code.

Doing this for the first time prompts to you create a Hovercode account (or connect with a Hovercode account you have already created).

Once you have connected with Hovercode, you can create dynamic QR codes right in the Canva app. When you want to edit your scan destination or view scan analytics, you simply head to and manage your QR codes from the dashboard.

The pricing when using our Canva app is exactly the same as when using Unlimited static QR codes for free and 10 dynamic QR codes for free. If you need to create more dynamic QR codes, prices start at $12 per month.

If you delete dynamic QR codes from your Hovercode account, it frees up space in your free allowance for dynamic QR codes. We don’t expire dynamic QR codes after a certain time or number of scans.

You can disconnect your Canva account from your Hovercode account by clicking the "Remove from your apps" button in the app menu.

The account you create at Hovercode is unrelated to your Canva account, so you don’t need to use the same email/password as you do with Canva. Having Canva pro is also unrelated to using the Dynamic QR codes Canva app and the Hovercode pricing plans.

The Canva app doesn't have all of the same features as the QR code generator on (e.g. vCard QR codes, PDF QR codes, and some of the design options). It's intended as a light version of Hovercode for quickly creating dynamic QR codes within Canva. If you need the more advanced features, create the QR code at, then download the PNG file and import it into your Canva design.

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